Today’s medical writing vignette: Slow down.

When you think you’ve finished writing your masterpiece, stop the presses. Slow down. It’s not as good as you think. Here’s one way you will know:
Set it aside for several days or (better) a month, pick it up, and re-read it. You’ll be surprised at the blunders you’ve made and revisions you want to make–especially, shortening it and cutting out unnecessary words.
If you are in a rush and can’t wait even a few days, at least do this:
Read the entire document slowly aloud–with the document double spaced and in large font.
Better than reading yourself (you will speed up), in WORD, click “Review” and see on your left, “Read aloud.” A mellifluous voice will read it to you, slowly. You can start and stop easily and make corrections as you go along. The time you take will make a much improved finished product.
Best wishes. May referees and readers praise your work.

Dr. Brown is a physician with over 50 years’ experience in patient care. He published over 150 peer-reviewed articles and has been an editorial board member and reviewer for several major medical publications. He has edited hundreds of scientific papers for medical investigators. Many of these papers have been published in prestigious medical journals, such as The Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Immunology, and Nature.

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